Based in Boston since 2018 but regularly flying back to her native Brazil, Luiza is building an international career both in a literal and in an artistic sense. Embracing the colors and rhythms from her native South America, Luiza’s music draws from Alternative Rock, Jazz and Latin Music.
As an educator with a dual major in Vocal Performance and Songwriting from Berklee College of Music and a minor in Teaching Contemporary Voice, Luiza provides one-on-one lessons on music creativity and expression. The lessons can incorporate varying amounts of vocal technique and songwriting, tailored to each student’s specific needs and goals.
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Luiza Girardello is an award-winning Boston-based singer-songwriter, educator and photographer
In 2024, her song I See You won the Blues/Jazz category of the 24th New England Songwriting Contest, also placing 3rd in the Adult Contemporary category.
Performing regularly in the US and in Brazil, her music is available through all major streaming platforms. Her debut album will be released in 2025.
Radio Excaliber Greece

Luiza Girardello: The New Gem of MPB with a Jazz Soul and Poetic Strength
Πίσω από κάθε τραγούδι, υπάρχει ένας κόσμος. Και έτσι, αποκαλύπτοντας την έντασή της συνδυάζοντας τη βραζιλιάνικη μουσική με την τζαζ και μια γενναιόδωρη δόση ψυχής, η Luiza Girardello αναδεικνύεται ως μία από τις πιο τολμηρές και ελπιδοφόρες νέες φωνές στο MPB. Με καταγωγ ή από το Rio Grande do ...
Free Skipper Italia

Luiza Girardello: la nuova gemma della MPB con anima Jazz e forza poetica
di Lia Montero. Dietro ogni canzone c’è un mondo. Ed è così che, rivelando la sua intensità attraverso una miscela di musica brasiliana, jazz e una generosa dose di anima, Luiza Girardello emerge come una delle proposte più audaci e promettenti della nuova MPB. Originaria del Rio Grande do Sul ...